Global Identity Check Example

Suppose you have a potential new customer who wants to open an account on your web site. He or she enters basic information such as name, address, and email into a form and presses the Submit button. The form data is passed as the credentials that are evaluated by the Jumio Global Identity Check service, which produces a quick overall identity risk assessment by validating the data against publicly known directories. If the Global Identity Check transaction identifies the user as a fraudster, your application logic can terminate the user interaction without incurring any further risk or expense. But if no problems are found, the user continues using your application without any interruption to the experience.

The workflow for the Global Identity Check transaction calls a single service that is implemented by a single capability. Since the intention is to render a preliminary decision, it is kept simple and designed to execute quickly.

The response data is available programmatically through APIs, as well as in the Portal.